Letra y acordes de What The Hell (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne) Transcripción x javi29 para www.acordesdcanciones.comIntro LA RE FA#m RE LA RE FA#m RE You say that…
Letra y acordes de I Fell In Love With The Devil (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne) Transcripción x javi29 para www.acordesdcanciones.comIntroFA#m LA MI SImFA#m LA MI SImFA#m LAShotguns and roses make a deadly potionMI …
Letra y acordes de Head Above Water (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne, Travis Clark, Stephan Moccio) IntroREm SIb FA DO REm SIb FA DOI’ve gotta keep the calm before the storm REm …
Letra y acordes de Wish You Were Here (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne, Martin Sandberg, Johan Schuster) IntroMI MI SII can be tough, I can be strong DO#m …
Letra y acordes de I’m With You (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne, The Matrix) IntroLA SIm RE LA SIm RELA SIm RE LA SIm RE FA#mI’m standing on the bridge REI’m waiting in the dark FA#m …
Letra y acordes de Give You What You Like (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne, David Hodges y Chad Kroeger) IntroFAm SOL# LA#5 DO# DOm FAm SOL# LA#5 DO# RE# FAm SOL#Please wrap your drunken armsLA#5 DO# RE# around meFAm …
Letra y acordes de Complicated (Lyric and music by Avril Lavigne, Lauren Christy, Scott Spock y Graham Edwards) IntroREm FA DO Uh Life`s like this, REm FA DO REm FAuh uh, that`s the way it is DO REm…